
Cole Davis has been named the Henry-Senachwine High School,

January, Student of the Month. Cole is the son of Steven and
Kally Davis. Cole was nominated and selected by the HSHS
faculty and staff.
Cole is a senior at Henry-Senachwine High School and has been a
Honor Roll student all four years. Cole was recently named as one
of Henry-Senachwine High School’s four, Illinois State Scholars.
Cole has participated in: Scholastic Bowl, three years; MDWAP,
one year; Math Team, one year; and Baseball, two years.
After high school, Cole plans to attend the University of
Illinois-Chicago to major in Pharmacology.
On Wednesday, January 19, 2022, at the school board meeting,
Cole will be presented with a personalized plaque from the
Henry-Senachwine School District designating him as “Student of
the Month” and an engraved pen set from the Henry-Senachwine
Education Association. In addition, he will receive a $25.00 gift
certificate from Heartland Bank in Henry, $25.00 gift card from
MidAmerica National Bank in Henry, and a $10.00 savings bond
from the Henry Dairy Queen.
The student body, faculty, and community congratulate Cole on
receiving this
honor in recognition of his accomplishments and contributions at