Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)
A military representative will be giving the ASVAB exam at HSHS
Date TBD
The ASVAB Career Exploration Program provides high-quality, career exploration and planning materials AT NO COST to students across the country. The Program encourages students to explore a wide variety of careers, rather than limiting their exploration by telling them what they can or should do.
The Main Components: Multiple Aptitude Test - covers eight areas including science, word knowledge, mathematics, electronics, mechanical comprehension and automotive abilities; Interest Inventory-FYI is a 90 item inventory based on John Holland's widely accepted theory of career choice; Career Exploration Tool - the OCCU-Find sorted 400+ occupations that match their own interest.
The program provides students with the opportunity to explore occupations in line with interests and skills, and develop strategies to realize career goals.
The program also provides military recruiters with qualified leads.
ASVAB program and the Military:
Civilian education services specialists administer ASVAB Program
Schools determine whether or not student information is released to the military
Recruiters serve as test proctors only; they are expressly prohibited from recruiting actions during test administration
Participants have no obligation to speak to a recruiter or pursue a military career
49% of participants intend on going to a 4-year college; 13.9% have an interest in military careers
Start now by taking practice ASVAB tests. These tests will give you an idea of how you'll score, and identify areas that need improvement.