July 13, 2021
Dear Henry-Senachwine Families:
Recently, Illinois school districts received updated school guidance for the 2021-22 school year from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH). Also, the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) has issued a declaration mandating resuming in-person learning, with limited exceptions, for 2021-22 school year. A copy of the most recent CDC and IDPH guidance can be found by clicking the links below:
CDC Guidance:
Guidance for COVID-19 Prevention in K-12 Schools and ECE Programs
IDPH Guidance:
Illinois Department of Public Health Adopts CDC COVID-19 Prevention School Guidance | IDPH
We are in the process of reviewing all guidance as we develop our plan to return to school for the upcoming 2021-22 school year. Again, we truly appreciate your patience and understanding as we review the most recent guidance and plan accordingly. We will keep you informed of pertinent information and updates.
Please see school registration information and the 2021-2022 school calendar below:
2021-2022 School Registration
Henry-Senachwine High School registration will be online this year. Online registration will start Monday, July 19th and conclude on Friday, August 6th. If you do not have online access, please call HSHS at 364-2829 to schedule an appointment to register. More information on how to register will be coming at the end of the week.
Henry-Senachwine Grade & Junior High School registration will be in-person and is scheduled for July 26th and July 28th. More information on HSGS/JH registration will be coming at the end of the week.
Henry-Senachwine School Calendar 2021-2022
August 16 - 17 Teachers’ Institute - No Student Attendance
August 18 First Day for Students
September 6 Labor Day - No School
September 17 School Improvement Day - 11:30 Dismissal
October 8 Teachers’ Institute - No Student Attendance
October 11 Columbus Day - No School
October 21 Evening Parent/Teacher Conferences
October 22 Morning Parent/Teacher Conferences
November 12 School Improvement Day - 11:30 Dismissal
November 24-26 Thanksgiving Break - No School
December 22- January 4 Winter Break - No School
January 5 Students return to school from Winter Break
January 17 Dr. Martin Luther King Day - No School
February 18 School Improvement Day - 11:30 Dismissal
February 21 Presidents’ Day - No School
March 25 School Improvement Day - 11:30 Dismissal
March 28 - April 1 Spring Break - No School
April 15 No School
April 18 No School
May 6 School Improvement Day - 11:30 Dismissal
May 25 Student Last Day - Tentative
May 26 Teachers’ Institute - No Student Attendance - Tentative
May 30 Memorial Day - No School
May 27 - June 3 Emergency Days