Pencil and Paper

Dear Henry-Senachwine Families:

We are writing to provide you with an update regarding District school bus transportation.  The bus drivers and staff are doing a great job of keeping our bus routes running.  At the same time, the District continues to face challenges in finding enough bus drivers to drive routes for both the regular school day routes and our after school extracurricular routes.  So far this year, we have been able to meet most of our bus route demands.  However, there have been instances in which academic and extracurricular routes have been changed due to bus staffing challenges.

As we move forward in the school year, we must anticipate continued challenges in staffing our bus routes.  As a result, there may be instances when a bus route needs to be changed, delayed, or even canceled.  We will do our best to avoid this.  Given that delaying or canceling bus routes are possibilities, we wanted to notify you to provide you with time to prepare an alternative plan to supervise and/or provide transportation for your student to and from school in the event we have to delay or cancel a bus route.  Notification of a delay or cancellation will be communicated through our text-alert and notification system as soon as possible.

In the event we are unable to staff a school bus to transport students to the away extra curricular or athletic contests, we will rely on our coaches and staff to drive activity buses, vans, and possibly may need parents to assist in providing their student transportation.  We will communicate transportation plans and needs for extracurriculars through the coaches of each respective team.

If you are interested or know of an individual who is interested in becoming a certified bus driver for regular school day routes and/or after school extracurricular routes, please contact Mr. Neil Young, Transportation Director, at 309-364-2078 or by email at  Starting pay is $20 per hour.  

Again, we will do our best to avoid interruptions in school bus transportation services. In the event we have to make changes or cancel routes, we apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience.  


Dr. Michael Miller, Superintendent           

Mr. Neil Young, Transportation Director