Paper and Pencil

Dear Henry-Senachwine Families:

Please review the updates below.

COVID-19 Case Updates:

With the intention of keeping you informed regarding COVID-19 cases that emerge in the District, we plan to provide you with updates as positive cases are reported to us.  

The administration has been informed that one individual at Henry-Senachwine Grade & Junior High School and one individual at Henry-Senachwine High School have tested positive for COVID-19.  

As a reminder, when a positive COVID-19 case is reported, the administration works in conjunction with the health department to contact individuals who have been in close contact with a positive COVID-19 case. 

Also, a reminder to  parents/guardians that if any of your  children have symptoms, all the siblings have to stay home until the symptomatic student has a negative COVID test.  You can get a rapid COVID test by calling the Marshall County Health Department and scheduling an appointment.  The Marshall County Health Department phone number is 309-246-8074.

Symptom Screenings and Temperature Checks:
A reminder to continue to conduct symptom screenings and temperature checks of your students and if your student is sick, please keep them at home.  Below is a list of COVID-19 symptoms:

Temperature of 100.4 (or greater) degrees Fahrenheit/38 degrees Celsius;
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing;
Muscle and body aches;
Sore throat;
New loss of taste or smell;
Congestion or runny nose;
Diarrhea; or
Any other COVID-19 symptoms identified by the Center of Disease (CDC) or Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH).