Paper and Pencil

Henry-Senachwine C.U.S.D. #5
Special Board Meeting Agenda
Henry-Senachwine High School Media Center 
Thursday, August 5, 2021 7:00 p.m.

I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call: Lori DeWeerth, James Downey, Angela Earles, Jeremy Kiesewetter, Mary Jo Klein, Melissa Thompson and Randy Witko

III. Approve Agenda

IV. Special Reports/Recognition of Guest
4.01 Public Participation

V. Consent Agenda

VI. Action Items
6.01 Approve Return to School Plan 2021-22
6.02 Approve COVID-19 Screening Testing Program
6.03 Approve Teacher Resignation
6.04 Employ Food Service Dishwasher
6.05 Employ Lunch Room Supervisor

VII. Board Reports/Requests/Articles 

VIII. Principals’ Reports

IX. Superintendent’s Report

X. Discussion Items
10.01 Return to School Plan 2021-22

XI. Executive Session

XII. Adjournment

Next Meeting: August 18, 2021