Paper and Pencil

Henry-Senachwine C.U.S.D. #5
Regular Board Meeting Agenda
Henry-Senachwine High School Media Center 
Wednesday, April 28, 2021 7:00 p.m.

I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call: Lori DeWeerth, James Downey, Angela Earles, Jeremy Kiesewetter, Mary Jo Klein, Melissa Thompson, and Randy Witko

III. Approve Agenda

IV. Approve March 17, 2021 - Regular Board Meeting Minutes and April 15, 2021 Special Board Meeting Minutes

V. Acknowledgement of Certified Results of April 6, 2021 School Board Election

VI. Appoint President Pro Tem.

VII. Appoint Secretary Pro Tem. 

VIII. Adjourn Sine Die

Regular Board Meeting and Organizational Meeting Agenda

I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call:  Lori DeWeerth, James Downey, Angela Earles, Jeremy Kiesewetter, Mary Jo Klein, Melissa Thompson, and Randy Witko

III. Oath of Office for Board of Education Members

IV. Approve Agenda

V. Election of Board of Education President

VI. Election of Board of Education Vice-President

VII. Election of Board of Education Secretary

VIII. Election of Board of Education Treasurer

IX. Establish Salary for Board of Education Secretary

X. Authorization of Treasurer’s Signature for Banking Transactions

XI. Establishment of Regular Board of Education Meeting Dates, Times, and Locations

XII. Special Reports/Recognition of Guest
12.01 Public Participation
12.02 Student of the Month

XIII. Consent Agenda
13.01 Approve BMP Bills and Payroll 
13.02 Approve 2021-2022 IESA Membership Renewal
13.03 Approve 2021-2022 IHSA Membership Renewal
13.04 Approve 2021-2022 School Calendar
13.05 Approve HSHS/LPW Football Cooperative Agreement
13.06 Approve HSHS/LPW Girls’ Basketball Cooperative Agreement
13.07 Approve HSHS/Midland Girls’/Boys’ Cross Country Coop. Agreement
13.08 Approve HSHS/Midland Girls’/Boys’ Track & Field Coop. Agreement
13.09 Approve HSGS/JH Lunch Supervisor Resignation
13.10 Approve HSHS Food Service Resignation
13.11 Approve Guidance Counselor Contract
13.12 Approve Auditor Contract 
13.13 Approve HSHS Volunteer Assistant Softball Coach
13.14 Approve Maternity Leave Request 
13.15 Approve Teacher Resignation
13.16 Approve Teacher Resignation

XIV. Action Items
14.01 Bills, Payroll and Financial Information
14.02 Approve Travel Expense Reimbursements
14.03 Employ Teacher
14.04 Employ Teacher
14.05 Employ Teacher
14.06 Employ Bus Driver
14.07 Approve Teacher Retirement
14.08 Approve Copier Proposal
14.09 Approve Semi Annual Review of Closed Session Minutes
14.10 Approve FY21 Tentative Amended Budget and Resolution
14.11 Approve Special Board Meeting
14.12 Approve Prom Format
14.13 Approve Graduation Format

XV. Board Reports/Requests/Articles

XVI. Principals’ Reports
16.01   Dr. Nelson
16.02   Dr. Hill

XVII. Superintendent’s Report 
17.01 Prom/Graduations/ End of Year Events - Updates
17.02 ESSER I,II, III Grants
17.03 SOPPA

XVIII. Discussion Items
18.01 District Facility Plan
18.02 Summer School 
18.03 Summer Workers

XIX. Executive Session

XX. Adjournment

Next Meeting: May 19, 2021