Henry-Senachwine C.U.S.D. #5
Regular Board Meeting Agenda
Henry-Senachwine High School Media Center
Wednesday, January 15, 2025 7:00 p.m.
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call: Lori DeWeerth, James Downey, Angela Earles, Jeremy Kiesewetter, Mary Jo Klein, Melissa Thompson and Randy Witko
III. Approve Agenda
IV. Special Reports/Recognition of Guest
4.01 Student of the Month
4.02 Public Participation
4.03 Thank You Cards
4.04 Bernardi Securities
V. Consent Agenda
5.01 Approve December 18, 2024- Regular Board Meeting Minutes
5.02 Approve BMP Bills and Payroll
5.03 Approve E-rate Agreement
5.04 Approve Volunteer HSGS/JH Volleyball Coach
5.05 Approve Paraprofessional Retirement
5.06 Approve Vision 2030 Resolution
5.07 Employ HSHS Art Club Sponsor
5.08 Employ HSHS Scholastic Bowl Sponsor
5.09 Employ Assistant High School Softball Coach
5.10 Employ HSGS/JH K-2 Tutors
VI. Action Items
6.01 Bills, Payroll and Financial Information
6.02 Approve Travel Expense Reimbursements
6.03 Approve Semi-Annual Activity Account Reports
6.04 Approve resolution providing for the issue of not to exceed $18,200,000 General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2025, of the School District for the purpose of paying claims against the School District, providing for the levy of a direct annual tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest on said bonds, and authorizing the sale of said bonds to the purchaser thereof.
6.05 Approve Amendment to BCA Professional Services Agreement
6.06 Approve MCP Professional Services Agreement
6.07 Approve Historical Survey Proposal
6.08 Approve BCA Architects, Ltd., their consultants and Midwest Construction Professionals (MCP) to seek bids for the 2025 Building Addition and Renovation Project at Henry-Senachwine High School located at 1023 College Avenue, Henry, Illinois for Henry-Senachwine CUSD #5.
VII. Board Reports/Requests/Articles
VIII. Principals’ Reports
8.01 Mrs. Merboth
8.02 Dr. Hill
IX. Superintendent’s Report
9.01 Statements of Economic Interest
9.02 HSGS/JH HVAC Project - Update
9.03 District Staffing - Update
X. Discussion Items
10.01 Master Facility Planning & High School Addition - Update
XI. Executive Session
11.01 The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee to determine its validity. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1).
XII. Adjournment
Next Meeting: February 19, 2025