Henry-Senachwine C.U.S.D. #5
Regular Board Meeting Agenda
Henry-Senachwine High School Media Center
Wednesday, August 16, 2023 7:00 p.m.
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call: Lori DeWeerth, James Downey, Angela Earles, Jeremy Kiesewetter, Mary Jo Klein, Melissa Thompson and Randy Witko
III. Approve Agenda
IV. Special Reports/Recognition of Guest
4.01 Public Participation
V. Consent Agenda
5.01 Approve July 19, 2023 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
5.02 Approve School Lunch/Breakfast Prices
5.03 Approve HSGS/JH Boys’ Baseball Volunteer Coaches
5.04 Approve Teacher Resignation
5.05 Employ Custodians
5.06 Approve Food Service Cook Resignation
5.07 Employ BMP Occupational Therapist Assistant
5.08 Employ HSHS Assistant Volleyball Coach
5.09 Employ HSHS Freshman Volleyball Coach
5.10 Employ Paraprofessional
5.11 Employ Paraprofessional
5.12 Employ Bus Driver
5.13 Approve BMP Bills and Payroll
VI. Action Items
6.01 Bills, Payroll and Financial Information
6.02 Approve Travel Expense Reimbursements
6.03 Approve FY24 Tentative Budget and Resolution
6.04 Approve Memorandum of Understanding
6.05 Employ 7/8 HSGS/JH Head Girls’ Basketball Coach
6.06 Approve 5/6 HSGS/JH Head Girls’ Basketball Coach Resignation
6.07 Approve 7/8 HSGS/JH Head Boys’ Basketball Coach Resignation
6.08 Employ 5/6 HSGS/JH Head Girls’ Basketball Coach
6.09 Approve 7th Grade HSGS/JH Boys’ Basketball Coach
6.10 Approve 8th Grade HSGS/JH Boys’ Basketball Coach
6.11 Approve 7/8 HSGS/JH Girls’ Volunteer Basketball Coaches
6.12 Employ Long-Term Substitute Teacher
6.13 Approve Illinois Virtual School Academy Agreement – Spanish
6.14 Approve Bushue Background Check Agreement
6.15 Approve Intergovernmental Agreement – Girls’ Swimming/Diving
6.16 Approve Substitute Pay
6.17 Approve Graduation Dates/Times
6.18 Approve Board Policies
6.19 Approve Athletic Training Services
VII. Board Reports/Requests/Articles
7.01 Transportation Vehicle Inventory
7.02 Sponsor Description/Stipend List
VIII. Principals’ Reports
8.01 Mrs. Merboth
8.02 Dr. Hill
IX. Superintendent’s Report
9.01 Threat Assessment Plan
9.02 HSGS/JH HVAC & Roofing Projects – Update
X. Discussion Items
10.01 Master Facility Planning
XI. Executive Session
11.01 The appointment, employment, compensation, performance, complaint, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body. 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (1).
XII. Adjournment
Next Meeting: September 20, 2023